

We often host webinars and livestreams with powerful BIPOC and empowering organizations in our community. The topics of these virtual sessions range from college resources and career advice to the intersection of culture and hair. You can find some of our past videos on our Instagram!



To achieve equity and social justice, we cannot stand alone. We must seek out others to join our fight to tear down the broken system. If you’d like to partner with us for a campaign, webinar, or anything else you’d like to work on please fill out this form!


Our team is incredibly diverse and well connected. Our members include college students from top universities across the country as well as alumni who have already started their careers. Please reach out to us if you’d like to be matched with a mentor for academic and career advice!



Our work would not be possible without our incredibly strong and supportive community. If you’d like to be connected with more BIPOC and women, please join our Facebook group to engage with more members of our community!

Social Sharing

We want to help elevate the voices of our fellow BIPOC and women, so we often try to spread the word about artists, writers, programs, and projects that need a little extra help. Please email or dm us on any of our social platforms below if you’d like us to share your work!



We know that it can be difficult to find openings for internships, jobs, and nonprofit work during these unprecedented times, so we will be sharing any opportunities that we are aware of regularly on our Instagram. Follow us to stay up to date!